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Meha Serbilindiya Xerîb: Dijminên Dorothy's Ryan Fisher û Christopher Bryant



Some of you may remember an article a few months ago about a couple of guys who were making horror parodies under the banner of Dijminên Dorothy. Their names were Ryan Leslie Fisher and Christopher Smith Bryant, and they’re making a name for themselves and their own brand of comedic horror.

Fisher and Bryant, a couple who have been together for three years, sat down to chat with me as part of iHorror’s Meha Serbilindiya Xofê series and, of course, the first question is when did you become horror fans?

“I’m about a 50% horror fan,” Christopher laughed. “Ryan is more 95%. I’m a horror fan but I’m not a fan of gore. I also have a huge clown phobia so when Ryan talked me into seeing IT I nearly ran out of the theater crying.”

“I grew up watching horror movies,” Ryan said. “My mom was showing us The Shining û Halloween when I was still way too young for it, probably. It’s always been a part of my life, though and I love them.”

Christopher, a stand-up comedian, and Ryan, an actor/producer/writer, were like many other artists in the wake of the 2016 Presidential election. They were frustrated and looking for the best way to express those raw emotions.

It wasn’t long before their sketch comedy group, Enemies of Dorothy, had been formed, and in just a couple of months, they would have their first viral hit with their “engagement video” for the Babadook and Pennywise.

“We fell in love with the Babadook being a gay icon because of the absurdity of it all,” Ryan explained. “It just made no sense! At the Pride parade last year there were so many Babadook signs and costumes and I told Chris I’d love to be the sketch group one day that was expected to do something like make a Babadook/Pennywise engagement video.”

It was at that point that Chris asked him why they needed to wait.

With that, they were off to the races, but neither was prepared for how much of a hit they would have on their hands.

“There’s this underlying market that we didn’t anticipate,” Christopher said. “The queer community finds something they relate to in horror. I also think it’s an escape from the real life horrors that many face just being LGBTQ today.”

The short, which has been viewed thousands of times on YouTube alone, is hilarious and it was only a matter of time before they took on another horror parody.

This time, it was the popular home invasion horror film The Strangers.

“These ideas come out of nowhere,” Ryan laughed. “You’re at a party and someone says, ‘What if it’s Stranbêj but they’re worried about whether they’re being homophobic?’ And we’re like, ‘That’s just dumb enough to work!'”

“That’s where we started writing that sketch, anyways,” Christopher said. “It’s weird why there’s a lack of representation in horror because there’s a huge queer audience for them. I think a lot of it comes down to writers who are afraid to put those characters in horror situations so some of Xerîbên Dadmendiya Civakî came out of that dialogue.”

What they created was one of the best parodies I’ve ever seen as each person becomes more and more uncomfortable about what was going on in the room until they finally unite against a common foe.

The little nuggets of truth you can find in their videos is what really interests me about their work, and our conversations turned to what they found in horror that appealed to them.

“My therapist and I were talking about this recently. I have a strong sense of justice, and I think that comes from being in a minority group,” Ryan explained. “If you’re queer, you’ve been bullied at some point in your life. You can identify with characters like Carrie White. There’s that desire to see the bullies punished and there’s catharsis in that.”

“I love horror that’s really campy or that has some kind of social relevance,” Chris added. “Babadook was horrifying because it wasn’t just a monster. It was a whole portrayal of mental illness. For so long, being gay was called a mental illness and I think in claiming the Babadook as an icon in a weird way we were re-claiming some of those years.”

The conversation became deeper still, though, when we turned to the very real horrors that are going on every day all over the world and have been for a very long time with both Fisher and Bryant really driving home the point of their love of horror and the commentary they can make while using the genre.

“Trans women are being murdered so often in this country,” Ryan pointed out. “You think about what happened to Matthew Shepard, or you hear stories about young boys in the Middle East being murdered in the streets because they’re gay. Enemies of Dorothy was born out of this political environment. Film is an art form. Even when it’s bad art, movies have the power to make us feel things so intensely so it’s the perfect medium for us to do our part to help change that political environment.”

“It’s already opened a lot of doors,” Bryant explained. “We’ll keep writing things that are politically effective to us. We’re looking for the things that aren’t being said, and we’re going to keep saying those things.”

You can find more of Chris and Ryan’s videos on the the Enemies of Dorothy Facebook Page û wan kanala YouTube.

Nirxandina 'Şerê Navxweyî': Ma Ew Hêjayî Temaşekirinê ye?

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Fîlma 'Evil Dead' Franchise Fîlma DU Tezmînatên Nû Distîne



Ji bo Fede Alvarez xeterek bû ku klasîka tirsnak a Sam Raimi ji nû ve bide destpêkirin The Evil Dead di sala 2013-an de, lê wê xeterê berdêla xwe da û her weha dûvika wê ya giyanî jî kir Rabûna Mirî ya Xirab li 2023. Naha Deadline radigihîne ku rêzefîlm ne yek, lê du navnîşên nû.

Me ji berê ve dizanibû Sébastien Vaniček fîlima dahatûyê ya ku di gerdûna Deadite de vedigere û divê bibe dûvikek rast a fîlima herî dawî, lê em berfireh in ku Francis Galuppi û Wêneyên Ghost House projeyek yekcar dikin ku li gerdûna Raimi li ser bingeha an fikra ku Galuppi li Raîmî xwe xist. Ev konsept di bin çavan de tê girtin.

Rabûna Mirî ya Xirab

Raimi ji Deadline re got, "Francis Galluppi çîrokbêjek e ku dizane kengê me li benda tengezariya germî bihêle û kengê bi tundiya teqîner li me bixe." "Ew derhênerek e ku di pêşandana xwe ya taybetmendiyê de kontrolek bêhempa nîşan dide."

Ew taybetmendî bi sernavê ye Rawestgeha Dawî Li Yuma County ya ku dê di 4ê Gulanê de li Dewletên Yekbûyî bi şanoyê derkeve. Ew dişopîne firoşkarek gerok, "li rawestgehek bêhnvedanê ya gundewarî ya Arizona asê maye", û "bi hatina du dizên bankê ve tê xistin nav rewşek rehîneyê ya xirab de ku bê guman li ser karanîna zulmê ne. -an jî pola sar û hişk-ji bo parastina bextewariya xwe ya bi xwîn."

Galluppi derhênerekî kurtefîlmên zanistî/horror xelatgirtî ye ku berhemên wî yên pejirandî jî hene Dojeha Çolê ya Bilind û Projeya Gemini. Hûn dikarin guhertoya tevahî ya bibînin Dojeha Çolê ya Bilind û teaser ji bo Gemini jêrîn:

Dojeha Çolê ya Bilind
Projeya Gemini

Nirxandina 'Şerê Navxweyî': Ma Ew Hêjayî Temaşekirinê ye?

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'Mirovê Invisible 2' "Ji Berê Nêzîktir" Diqewime



Mosa Elisabeth di daxuyaniyeke pir baş-fikirî de di hevpeyvînê de got bo Bextewar Sad Confused ku her çend ji bo kirina hin pirsgirêkên lojîstîkî jî hebin Mirovê Nexuyan 2 li ser asoyê hêvî heye.

Mêvandarê podcastê Josh Horowitz li ser şopandin û eger pirsî Kefz û derhêner leigh whannell ji bo peydakirina çareseriyekê nêzîktir bûn. Moss bi kenek mezin got, "Em ji her demê bêtir nêzîkê şikandina wê ne." Hûn dikarin reaksiyona wê li ser wê bibînin 35:52 di vîdyoya jêrîn de nîşan bikin.

Bextewar Sad Confused

Whannell niha li Zelanda Nû ye ji bo Universal fîlimek din a cinawir digire. Mirovê Gurê, ku dibe ku çirûska ku têgeha Gerdûna Tarî ya tengahî ya Universal bişewitîne, ku ji dema hewldana têkçûyî ya Tom Cruise ya vejînê ve tu hêzek negirtiye. The Mummy.

Di heman demê de, di vîdyoya podcastê de, Moss dibêje ku ew e ne di Mirovê Gurê fîlim ji ber vê yekê her spekulasyonek ku ew projeyek crossover e li hewa dimîne.

Di vê navberê de, Universal Studios di nîvê avakirina xaniyek xênî de ye ku li seranserê salê Las Vegas ku dê hin cinawirên wan ên sînemayê yên klasîk nîşan bide. Bi tevlêbûnê ve girêdayî, ev dikare bibe hêza ku studyoyê hewce dike ku temaşevanan careke din bi IP-yên afirîdên xwe re eleqedar bike û bêtir fîlimên ku li ser wan têne çêkirin bistînin.

Projeya Las Vegas di sala 2025-an de tê vekirin, hevdem digel parka wan a nû ya rast a li Orlando ya bi navê Epic Universe.

Nirxandina 'Şerê Navxweyî': Ma Ew Hêjayî Temaşekirinê ye?

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Rêzefîlma Jake Gyllenhaal ya Thriller 'Pressumed Innocent' Dîroka Weşana Destpêkê Distîne



Jake gyllenhaal bêguneh tê texmîn kirin

Rêzeya sînorkirî ya Jake Gyllenhaal Tê texmînkirin ku bêguneh dadikeve li ser AppleTV+ di 12-ê Hezîranê de li şûna 14-ê Hezîranê wekî ku di destpêkê de hatî plan kirin. Stêr, ku House House reboot heye Li ser Amazon Prime nirxandinên tevlihev anîn, ji dema xuyabûna xwe ve yekem car ekrana piçûk hembêz dike Kuştin: Jiyan li ser cadeyê li 1994.

Jake Gyllenhaal di 'Pressumed Innocent' de

Tê texmînkirin ku bêguneh ji hêla tê hilberandin David E Kelley, Robotê Xirab JJ Abrams, û Warner Bros. Ew adaptasyona fîlima Scott Turow ya sala 1990-an e ku tê de Harrison Ford parêzvanek dilîze ku wekî lêkolînerek li kujerê hevkarê xwe digere ducarî dike.

Van celebên trîlerên seksî di salên 90-an de populer bûn û bi gelemperî dawiya zirav dihewand. Li vir trailer ji bo orjînal heye:

Ligor Deadline, Tê texmînkirin ku bêguneh ji çavkaniya çavkaniyê dûr nakeve: “…the Tê texmînkirin ku bêguneh Di rêzefîlmê de dê mêtingerî, seks, siyaset û hêz û sînorên evînê lêkolîn bike dema ku tawanbar şer dike ku malbat û zewaca xwe bi hev re bigire."

Li dû Gyllenhaal ev e Guy Ritchie fîlma aksiyonê ya bi navê Li Gewrê ji bo serbestberdana di Çile 2025 de hatî plan kirin.

Tê texmînkirin ku bêguneh rêzefîlmek sînorkirî ya heşt beşan e ku ji 12ê Hezîranê dest pê dike li ser AppleTV+ tê weşandin.

Nirxandina 'Şerê Navxweyî': Ma Ew Hêjayî Temaşekirinê ye?

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